Forex Trading

What is Forex Hedging: Hedging Forex strategies complete Guide & FAQ

It’s important to note that this kind of hedging is not allowed in the United States, and you should generally be familiar with U.S. forex regulations. The opening of a contrary position is regarded as an order to close the first position, so the two positions are netted out. However, this results in roughly the …

What is Forex Hedging: Hedging Forex strategies complete Guide & FAQ Weiterlesen »

When is the BOJ rate decision and how could it affect USD JPY?

„We’re seeing heightening inflation expectations, or a change in corporate behaviour,“ he added. „In the past, it was hard for companies to hike prices. But as more and more companies began raising prices, those who were hesitant are starting to follow suit. We’re scrutinising developments at each policy meeting, but I think the peak (of …

When is the BOJ rate decision and how could it affect USD JPY? Weiterlesen »

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